Newborn Travel Tips

Things certainly change when you have a newborn in the house, and you'll probably notice it most when you try to pack up and get on the road, whether it's across town or across the state.
Weather, distance and mode of transportation all play a part in ensuring you're adequately prepared for the journey. Here are some tips for traveling with a newborn:
By Air
- Packing light for air travel will become a thing of the past. Have a spare change of clothes for baby in the diaper bag.
- You might want to pack extra clothes for yourself as well. Babies spit up and sometimes pee through their diaper and onto you.
- Remember that in the air, you'll be captive for hours. You won't be able to make a pit stop at a store for something you forgot like you would in a car.
- Consider using the diaper bag as a general carry-on, putting your keys, wallet, cell phone, etc., inside it.
- Often, adults experience ear pain during take-off and landing due to pressure changes. Help lessen it for your baby by feeding them during take-off and landing or by giving them a pacifier to suck on. This can alleviate ear pressure pain.
- Have soothing toys and distractions for during the flight, perhaps a new blanket or stuffed animal. Don't be afraid to get up and walk up and down the aisle if permitted.
- Keep your stroller with you. The airline will check it in at the gate, then give it back to you as you depart the plane, so you can use it when walking between connecting flights.
- If you can afford to book an extra seat and bring baby's car seat, go ahead. You might be more comfortable. However, there's nothing wrong with holding baby on your lap for the flight.
Road Trips
- Again, a well-stocked diaper back is essential, but this time with a few different kinds of items. You may be doing diaper changes in uncomfortable rest stop gas stations, so have plenty of sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer and disposable changing pads.
- Infant car seats face backward, so you won't be able to see your baby. Place a mirror on the top of the back seat so you can look in the rear-view mirror and check on your baby.
- If you use sound to soothe your baby at home, be sure to have something similar loaded on your phone or a CD so you can play it in the car.
- Sunshades, either attached to the window or car seat, are a must to keep baby from getting too hot or being bothered by the bright sun.
- Nursing moms should bring a breast pump in case you have difficulty finding a place to breastfeed comfortably.
Newborn;3-6 Months;Parenting;Infant and Toddler Care