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Transitioning Your Baby from Bassinet to Crib

Transitioning from the bassinet to a crib can be a stressful process for parents. Boys Town Pediatrics offers advice for parents during the transition.

Rocker to Crib Transition

Many parents choose to have their newborn sleep in their room for the first couple months. Parents bond with their newborn and learn their baby’s needs as they form sleep and feeding patterns.

  • A baby typically begins having a more predictable sleeping pattern around 2 months of age. This is a great time to start working toward the sleep routine you want for your child.
  • Laying your baby down when they are drowsy, but not fully asleep will help them learn to fall asleep on their own. Learning to fall asleep without mom and dad’s help is the key to sleeping through the night. When your baby has little awakenings throughout the night, they won’t need you to rock or feed them to back sleep.
  • Parents tend to find that everyone sleeps a little better once the switch to the crib is made. Most babies make the transition to the crib in their room quite easily, so don’t hesitate to try it out.
  • If your baby does not easily transition to the crib, you can start by using the crib first for naps or on the weekends. This allows your baby to gradually transition to a different sleep environment.
  • A crib allows your baby more room to move. Your baby may roll, squirm and change positions as they sleep. This is normal so don’t be surprised to find your baby in multiple positions during the night! Nonetheless, always put your baby on his or her back when you lay them down for sleep.

Being able to fall asleep at bedtime and sleep through the night is an important step for healthy sleep. Most babies are sleeping through the night in their own crib by 6 months of age. Contact your pediatrician if your baby is having trouble adjusting.

Sleep Tips;Newborn;Infant and Toddler Care Pediatrics